South Dakota Soybean Stories: The Johnsons
This spring, we had the opportunity to meet with Brian and Jamie Johnson to discuss the sustainable practices they implement in their operation in Frankfort, SD. The Johnson homestead has been in the family since 1906, and Brian attributes the sustainable and conservation practices they still use today, back to generations before him.
“Conservation has always been a part of our farm.”
Keeping soil health at the forefront of their farming practices, Brian and Jamie find it important to instill these practices alongside their family to continue the importance for generations to come.
Utilizing cover crops, crop rotation, no-till practices, shelterbelts, and more, all help to protect the ground the family farms on. Focusing on soybeans, corn, and cattle, the Johnson family members all have their specific areas around the operation that they focus their attention on. Their daughters, Ella, Lila, and Evelyn, focus more on the cattle, whereas their son, Leo, prefers to keep close to Brian as he oversees the planting of their soybean crop.
“Soybeans are an integral part of our crop rotation.”
Generational farmers: Alan, Brian, and Leo Johnson
For more South Dakota Soybean Stories, check out the harvest season recap with Mike McCranie and animal sustainability with the Greenways.
The Johnson Family: (L to R) Ella, Lila, Brian, Leo, Evelyn, and Jamie