Sonne Farms Journey From The Field to YouTube
Cole Sonne, a farmer from Mt. Vernon is more known for his large following on YouTube today. Cole Sonne’s accidental fall into content creation has transformed him into a vocal advocate for farmers. Growing up on his family farm in Mount Vernon, South Dakota, Cole knew a life in agriculture was the life for him.
During COVID-19, he came home from college with increased knowledge of agronomy and animal husbandry. He was ready more than ever to continue to take over his family farm.
Cole flew around a drone and captured video of his family farm. Cole was unsure where to upload the various drone clips so he decided to share his videos on YouTube. He had no idea that they would be a hit to a large audience. The Sonne Farms YouTube channel began and has continued to grow.
He offers a glimpse into farm life, entertaining viewers while providing valuable insights into farming practices. He emphasizes the importance of sharing genuine knowledge on social media platforms, countering the misinformation prevalent.
As a young farmer, Cole sheds light on the challenges faced. He highlights the crucial role of the organization Farm Rescue in assisting during critical seasons of illness or injury. Cole uses his voice to open conversations on mental health within the farming community. Cole advocates for breaking the stoic stereotype and creating a support system.

Cole Sonne's journey from accidental content creator to a voice for farmers reflects the changing of times. Cole embodies the characteristics of resilience, passion, and a commitment to sustainability. His story serves as an inspiration for the next generation of farmers. Encouraging new farmers to embrace change and cultivate a prosperous future for American agriculture.
Learn more about Cole Sonne and his commitment to agriculture by watching his farmer feature below: